
Regulated Exchange Boxes

Our Box

Regulated Exchange Box
BER Industrial Network Applications

When the end user has a centralised industrial water network installation, it is more efficient to use this source to cool a machine or an industrial application.

Our R&D department studies your specific cooling requirements and adapts our BERs to suit your installations.

Our BERs can simultaneously integrate different circuits, so they can cool your applications directly at the heat source, as well as your remote electrical/control cabinets.

We adapt to your needs

- Number of circuits.
- Inlet/outlet temperature.
- Pump flow rate and pressure.
- Choice of fairing, RAL paint, shape.
- Complete integration into your machine.
- Integration of your logos.

Regulated Hydraulic Box
BHR - Industrial network applications

As with our BERs, the Regulated Hydraulic Unit is fed by the industrial water network to cool process applications.
Of simpler design, it acts as a mixing valve between the inlet and outlet of the BHR. Fitted with a pump, it can vary the flow rate and pressure.
Its use is directly linked to the characteristics of the centralised water network (water quality, temperature). The BHR is generally used for applications requiring less precise temperature control.
In partnership with your technical office, we can draw up specifications for specific cooling processes to best meet your requirements.

We adapt to your needs

- Inlet/outlet temperature.
- Pump flow rate and pressure.
- Choice of fairing, RAL paint, shape.
- Complete integration into your machine.
- Logo integration